I'm Nicole.
You might have heard my name from someone you trust, found my LinkedIn profile, or read something I wrote. Whatever brought you here, welcome. Thanks for stopping by.
I work in the nonprofit sector, where I focus on strategic messaging, business management, and resource development. Some days, I collaborate with nonprofit leaders to help them achieve their vision. Other times, I'm crafting copy for nonprofits, writing bylined articles, or selectively ghostwriting for clients and on topics I truly believe in.
Over the past two decades, I've worked with a lot of nonprofits (36 and counting). I understand the resource constraints mission-driven organizations face. I'm a firm believer that well-planned internal systems are crucial for increasing efficiency and accountability, and I’m passionate about helping organizations employ strategy and best practices with a dash of outside-the-box thinking to maximize their impact. And for those who are interested in building their capabilities, I love to teach, coach, and mentor.
My career journey has intentionally zigzagged, driven by curiosity and the belief that both academic instruction and professional experience are essential for success. There's a difference between learning about something and actually doing it—immersing yourself in the work and discovering the unknown unknowns. I would never ask a client to do something I haven’t done myself, nor would I advise on a subject without bringing both academic and hands-on experience to the table.
I'm a committed advocate for diversity, equity, access, and inclusion (DEAI). This commitment began at San Diego Mesa Community College (yes, community college—no silver spoons here) where I first learned that many versions of history exist, and the dominant ones are not always the most accurate or complete. Increasingly, I find myself drawn to work with social and environmental justice organizations because, at some point, people and the natural world must be prioritized over profit and wealth.
That’s not to say nonprofits shouldn’t generate profits, or revenue. I have strong opinions on traditional fundraising practices that often overlook the critical role of earned revenue alongside contributed revenue.
Feel free to browse this website—it's a work in progress, much like the projects I share with my nonprofit partners. If you're inclined, reach out and say hello (see HELLO button below).
Thanks for visiting. Be well.